LCHA receives generous donations of historic items connected to Pownalborough Court House – from across the country. A wonderful story about special gifts to the LCHA collections from far and wide was recently highlighted in the Lincoln County News. Click here for the article describing how these items found their way home to Dresden.
Object of the Week: Highlighting the LCHA Collections
Ash Hole – Every house should have had one! Several years ago, while a mason was repairing one of the huge chimneys at the Pownalborough Court House, which accommodates six fireplaces, he remarked on this small hole in the bottom left angle of the cooking fireplace in the original kitchen, saying that it was clever of them to be sure …
Object of the Week: Highlighting the LCHA Collections
Samuel Goodwin’s Table When the Canby’s auctioned off the contents of the Pownalborough Court House before the property transfer to LCCHA few objects remained behind. One of the most important of these in terms of its historical association is the gray painted table putatively owned by Major Samuel Goodwin. He was one of the lesser Kennebec Proprietors but was also …
Object of the Week: Highlighting the LCHA Collections
When is a blanket chest not a blanket chest? When it’s a “six-board chest.” With a lock. And with a “till.” These boxes were strong, sturdy, and hard to steal—unlike the small metal or wooden lock-boxes of the day. People ask why we have a “blanket chest” in the tavern. Well, it was just right—plenty of room for the valuable stock of the tavern, like brandy or a fine wine. …
Object of the Week: Highlighting the LCHA Collections
Embroidered Samplers “The First Efforts of an Infants Hand…” A sampler is the result of a young girl’s effort to learn sewing and embroidery stitches – making herself a cloth tablet reference for her future handwork. Several years ago, the Collections Committee presented a display of samplers held in the LCHA collections titled, “The First Efforts of an Infants Hand…” …